
My Holiday Aftermath Survival Kit

Hello dear readers! Happy New Year to All! And with the ushering of the new year, we welcome the result of partying i.e. Breakouts from unhealthy eating and staying up late, weight gain and overall feeling blah. Well here’s what I devised to feel a tad better after the festivities. Because let’s admit it the Holidays are always an exception to eat anything and do anything right?

I really love facial massages when I get to doing them, as apparently facial massages aren’t very good for oily skin but this is the facial massage routine I’ve been following for a while now, since it’s so simple and just feels revitalizing afterwards. It helps relieve bloating and inflammation and just makes you glow. And I personally feel that my face just has so much blood rushing in and how refreshing is that feeling!?

Skin has been feeling dull, blotchy and irritated and just looks like it took a beating due to late nights so I opted for two recovery masks. The first one being my DIY Oatmeal and honey mask which I just whip up with a handful of oats, a spoonful of honey and hot water. Pop it in the fridge for a few minutes or until it’s cool enough to put on my face and relax for a good 15 minutes in it. It really soothes skin from redness and inflammation.

I wipe off the oatmeal residue mask but not entirely rinse the sticky layer of honey and oats and proceed with a Sheet mask from Etude House, of course any brand of your choice is fine. I used the Aloe variant to calm skin down.

Now for the internal care, I’m not a healthy eater, let me just say that flat-out. An easy detox from it all, or at least what I think is the bare minimum is drink lots of water! And Green Tea! Water is a no-brainer since I’ll admit I did have more wine and soda than I should in the past few days. And I feel my kidney is begging me to drink more water. Better swap that soda for some H2O.

Green tea since it is just such a healthy and detoxifying drink which is ubiquitous all over in the supermarket and is easily prepared. Although a good ginger tea and honey is highly recommended as well.

Back to the normal sleep cycle like grannies. The night life just isn’t for me anymore I swear, my sleep cycle has been tamed by my current job and I am always aiming for a complete 8 hour sleeping time. 

This post must have been so obvious and basic to most of you guys but this is what I do and what I’m doing at the moment. And my body is still recovering from holiday mode and I’m just typing here in my most comfortable house clothes enjoying a cup of green tea. I’m happy for the New Year and New Beginnings and I’m not sad at all that 2015 has passed even though I’ve had so many happy and sad times but I’m a look ahead kind of girl.

So let’s be better this year, one baby step at a time!