
Skin Food Salmon Dark circle Concealer Cream

I’ve gravitated back into the wonderful world of Korean beauty lately and thanks to Shopee, I have my desires sated. And thanks to a little push from a male Filipino YouTuber named Edward Avila in Korea, I had to get this. Though I’ve known about the existence of this little pot years back, I haven’t been convinced to get this back then.

Price: Currently P400+ on Shopee PH
Availability: belaisenares on Shopee PH


Additions to the Arsenal #3: More Makeup

And another haul post. I'll have to admit that May has been quite a spendy month for me in the beauty department. I hide in shame. But I have the convoluted justifications to defend each purchase! 


Brand Chat: Innisfree Capsule Reviews

A bit of a new corner here called Brand Chat, which basically can mean an extensive talk on one brand and their products, my personal experience with them and what I expect and think of them with the products I have in my arsenal. And kicking this off is the Korean beauty brand, Innisfree.


Makeup Melange #9 Bright Eyes and Red Lips

Some of the new products in action here. And I think I was in a more bold mood to sport a red lip. 


The Lip Collection

It's been ages since the last post so I suppose I'll have to make up for that with a more heavy composition. And I can say with confidence that this was the most time consuming roundup but certainly the least boring. And I think that as a makeup enthusiast, lipsticks are definitely that beauty product that you can really say that "Before I knew it I had 20." It seems that every few months or weeks that the number balloons.

So I have about 25 lipsticks but not all are in active rotation, sadly. And I think I have a couple here that are nearing their limit at 2 years old. But besides that, I'm pretty happy with my collection, they're like a family. And I sadly ran out of the Etude House Lip liners, a short-lived romance but nothing a visit to Etude House can change. No lip balms here as I only have one, as listed in my Skincare Routine 2015 post, I only have the Nivea Lip Butter in raspberry. So without further ado, meet the family!


Makeup Melange #8: Post Chickenpox face

It's been a week of suffering from chickenpox and it has suddenly made me want to wear more makeup because I miss it and I have a few spots that I need to cover thanks to lack of sleep due to sticking to the strict schedule of my medications.


A Little Zalora Shoe Haul

There seems to be a very dusty category tag on this blog which should really be given a good polish once in a while. And yes that is the fashion tag. But not to worry because here are shoes to the rescue.


Additions to the Arsenal #2: Makeup and a Mask

A little collective haul from the past week to cheer myself up from my illness and the fact that I've missed a good week of work from this.


Ettusais BB Mineral White Cream

I believe it's been nearly a couple of years now since I've put up a review on any foundation, BB cream or any new type of face base product. Considering that my blog used to thrive on base makeup reviews, and the most popular posts on my blog are currently lip products, I find that to be a Copernican shift.  But I have been using this BB cream for a long time now, and I hope its not past its use by date yet because I am finally writing an overdue review on this.

Price: P1400 on Japanichi

An all-in-one makeup base, concealer and foundation in cream form that gives coverage and brightens skin by 120%!
Made up of 63% skincare ingredients, this BB cream conceals and corrects skin imperfections. Skin is illuminated by 120% with its Pure-white Brightening Powder, adding a glow and radiance to your complexion! Protects skin from harmful sun rays with high SPF 45 PA ++. 


Life Lately #1

A different kind of post today in my effort to have a bit of a more personal touch on my blog. But this series is more on a little life update and just a few random personal things. These are much more sporadic and irregular than any of my usual offerings.